Jessica Andrews - Unbreakable Heart

lunedì 13 agosto 2007
la proposi tempo fa perchè l'avrei cantata con un amico alla chitarra..
la ripropongo ora perchè è come mi sento..

An empty house, a broken fairy tale
A hollow girl with empty arms
From an angel's tears God made the stars
Why can't He make me an unbreakable heart

In my blue world, you shone like Heaven's fire
And left me cryin' in the dark
How could anyone be so hard
Did you think I had an unbreakable heart

I suppose I should know
Sometimes love just comes and goes
But I believed, foolish me
We'd go on and on

One day, someone will come to you
And rock you tightly in her arms
Please remember this, when you drop your guard
Nobody has an unbreakable heart

From an angel's wings to a fallen star
God makes everything but unbreakable hearts

non mi ero mai sentita così prima d'ora.. ma sul serio, mi sento morire.cerco di dare tempo al tempo, ma più passano gli attimi e più mi sento le forze svanire, la voglia di sorridere diminuire..

sto morendo lentamente...

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