Jerry è un programmatore di computer finlandese. Un giorno, per colpa di un cervo, ha un incidente con la sua vecchia Ducati. Quando si rialza da terra, apparentemente illeso, scopre che gli manca metà dell’anulare sinistro. Lo portano in ospedale, gli amputano il dito. Poi, i medici gli suggeriscono…
When Jerry told doctors what he did for a living they joked he should have a USB ‘finger drive’ but that was good enough for him, and he set about making one. Using a traditional prosthetic finger Jerry has been able embed a ‘USB key’ - like the ones used in traditional flash drives - giving him the world’s only two gigabyte finger. The finger is not permanently attached to his hand meaning it can be removed when plugged into a computer. “It is not attached permanently in to my body, it is a removable prosthetic which has USB memorystick inside it,” said Jerry. “When I’m using the USB, I just leave my finger inside the slot and pick it up after I’m ready.”
Jerry ha raccontato la sua storia quasi un anno fa, ma solo ieri ne ho sentito parlare su Radio Montecarlo..
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